Sunday, January 1, 2017

Ok ok so it has been almost 3&1/2 years since I have blogged.. BOY I SUCK.. But now is the time to get back into it, as a new year begins.

A lot has happened in the Z household over this time period. We lost all of Ben's grandparents, had 2 miscarriages, and welcomed our third child in May 2014.

Katelyn started Kindergarten, learned to read, add and subtract. Now she is almost half-way through 1st grade and thriving. She is an amazingly bright and inquisitive girl.

Noah completed 1 year of preschool and is in pre-kindergarten now. He has really come into his own and becoming a real leader. He is a sponge. He absorbs all facts that are sent his way. He loves to learn, dinosaurs, ninja turtles, and his new microscope.

Abby, our newest addition is 2 and 1/2 going on 30. She is adventurous with a never say never attitude. She likes trouble and is big on telling mommy NO. She, like her siblings, is smart as a tack.

We have been on many adventures as a family during this time. Camping in September and October in Michigan can be tricky. One weekend it is 70, the next the overnight lows are 30's. Well, we picked the wrong weekends. Fortunately this year, we went and the weather was better. We have had several trips to the UP, Mackinac Island, Grand Rapids, and other parts of our great state.

We look forward to many adventures this year, including a train ride to Chicago and checking out the Field Museum---we need to see the dinos..

Friday, August 23, 2013

I really need to be a better blogger..

Ok so it has been a while again, but life gets crazy sometimes..

Plus, I am currently suffering from strep throat and a bad case of bronchitis.. guess that is what go go go gets you..

As the summer is winding down, it is fun to look back at the fun we have had.. Camping and enjoying the sunshine.. Trips to the zoo and the village (greenfield village).. and just relaxing.

We took our last trip of the summer last weekend. We camped near Jackson and the kids had a blast. We have been blessed with wonderful weather on all our camping trips this summer..

We have a few more adventures for the fall before the cold and dreaded snow start to fall.

Looking back at older pictures since we had to finally print some pics. The biggest drawback to digital is we never print pictures and have come to the realization that there are no pics of Noah on the wall and it needs to be rectified now that he can recognize this issue. Plus it was just time to print out pics.

Going through pics is bittersweet.. it is hard to believe my baby girl is going to be 3 on Tuesday. Gone is the little baby and here is a wonderful young girl child. She is smart and imaginative and extremely loving.. I can't believe that 3 years have passed so quickly.

Katelyn in the hospital 

Katelyn and Daddy now. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's gonna be a long two weeks..

Let's start by saying that spring is one of my favorite seasons. With that said, spring is one of my least favorite seasons as it pertains to Noah. This is little man's second spring (he is 18 months old) and it is his second with bronchitis or something of the sort. Yes we deal with breathing treatments and asthma type symptoms whenever he gets a cold, but the spring seems to be the worst. This means, back to the nebulizer with the face mask, always fun.. 
So for the next two weeks we will fight with that.. oh, and he also has an ear infection. 

Katelyn has had extremely swollen tonsils for about 6 weeks now. She had an ear infection and congestion which may have led to their swelling. We have seen an ENT and she is getting them removed in two weeks. Until then, we have to keep her eating and treat the pain. Unfortunately she doesn't always want to take her Motrin. She wakes up shrieking quite often and it takes hours to get her back to sleep. I keep telling myself, just 2 more weeks. 

I am freaked out about her surgery, the thought of general anesthesia scares me, especially since she is so small (2.5 yo). I will be a basket case the day of her surgery.. 

So over the next two weeks, I am going to be fighting with Noah and trying to keep Katelyn comfortable--should be fun.. 

At least they are both in good spirits most of the time


Friday, April 12, 2013

this and that

There hasn't been much to blog about going on around our house.. The snow has come and gone, and come again and gone again.. Hopefully we are finally going to have spring.. But sadly, we are stuck in what has seemed like perpetual April showers.. 

But at least it is sort of warming up.. the kids just want to be outside and right now, despite the let up in the rain, our yard is in no shape for play.. too muddy. 

Katelyn has been moved up to Preschool at daycare and LOVES it.. Noah has learned to climb everything.. so nothing is safe.. 

I have been working my new job since January, teaching the tech school. I like it, the hours are good and it is enjoyable work.. 

The laundry never ends with 2 small ones around the house.. especially when Katelyn has decided she wants to dress herself a gazillion times each day.. 

I often wonder why Katelyn thinks she needs to  bring all her toys into the bathroom when she goes potty.. hmmm.. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Adventures in Potty Training....

So, I had decided that my hiatus from work and the kid's hiatus from daycare would be the time we approached potty training hard core. Katelyn has been using the potty when she wanted to since before she turned 2, but I never had more than a day to set aside. I just assumed we would stay at home for a week and do it.. 

She had other plans, in a good way.. She woke up one morning wanting to wear panties. Of course I obliged. Told her that with panties we have to pee in the potty etc.. not on the floor. 

Well, we had a few accidents and a few poops in the panties, but really we only stayed home that first day.

She poops and pees in the potty, of course she still needs help with the pulling up the pants, but I am ok with that. We still wear a pull-up at night, she is not waking up dry so I am not going to try yet.. I am happy with the day time.. 

Noah has been a bundle of busyness. He is all over the place. So far his eczema has been pretty much under control and he has only been sick twice this winter so far..He gained a pound between his last doc appointment and getting his flu shot at the allergists... hopefully he hasn't lost it before Friday.. He is a "picky" eater.. He picks at his food eats some things in large quantities and nibbles on others.. 


Saturday, January 12, 2013

It has been a while (again)

It is funny how time flies when you have small children.. Actually, time seemed to speed up once I graduated from high school many moons ago..

The kiddos are growing like weeds. Katelyn is chatting up a storm, she was taking Spanish at the daycare, hopefully when we go back in 3 weeks she will be able to continue that.. If not, I will look into classes through the school district or something. 

Katelyn is jumping off the furniture like she is superwoman. She also is running around like a crazy child. She loved Christmas and will tell you the tree was taken outside and the garbage truck took it away. 

She loved the snow. Noah loved to ride on the sled, but since he really couldn't move in his snowsuit, it was not fun to walk or play. The snow wasn't good for snowman building so hopefully we will get some "snowman" snow before the end of the winter.. 

we also finger painted. It was fun.. the kids loved it and made a mess.. 

Noah got some on his face too.. 

 There have been some quiet moments of coloring... 

 It amazes me daily how well the play together for the most part.. Katelyn loves her little brother and he wants to follow his sister around like a puppy dog.. (complete with the trying to nibble her toes). .

I didn't have any students for this module so my teaching starts in February.. The kiddos are home with me for 3 weeks so we will have some adventures.. I think we will go to the museum one day and the library often.. 


Monday, December 31, 2012

goodbye 2012 Hello 2013

Ah, so the year is ending and it has been a pretty good one I think. The kids are growing and thriving and we are doing the same. 

2012 saw both kids learning to walk.

Noah's eczema pretty much cleared up.. 2 trips to the cardiologist.. with fairly good results after the second.. 

Noah being diagnosed with egg and soy allergies and a severe peanut allergy.. 

Daddy starting back to school and mommy starting 3 different jobs.. the third is promising for the future.. 

Christmas was good and we look forward to an excellent 2013 

Happy New Year